events recap

A Recap - The Week Of World Of Coffee Dubai 2024

  World of Coffee (WOC) Dubai has been a fun and fulfilling check-in at how, from our humble beginnings some five years ago, Archers has...

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Early Summer at Archers: Public Cupping with Inmaculada Coffee

Last 10th June 2023, our community spent a Saturday afternoon together to discover the Inmaculada Coffee Experience here in the comfort of smiling Sharjah. We...

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A Recap - World of Coffee Athens

What has the uncanny capacity to construct moments of the most enriching encounters amid a confluence of many things we love? The answer? Our world...

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A Recap - Archers at the Philippines Coffee Expo 2023

Everywhere we go, it's always a warm welcome at gatherings with old and new friends in our global specialty coffee community. It was just like...

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Private Cupping Recap - Ethiopia, 20 Different Processes

Coming Together to Learn at Archers An Archers gathering is a gift that keeps on giving.   Be it the Archers Partners Workshop, an SCA or...

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A Recap - The Week of World of Coffee Dubai 2023

The recent World of Coffee Dubai was a truly pivotal event that highlighted the solidarity and friendship of our global coffee community!   Panama Producer’s...

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UAE leaps into the World Brewers Cup Top 10

For our National Brewers Champion, competing at the World Brewers Cup is all about the craft, the coffee, and striving to be worthy of representing...

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community & our journey


Thrilled as we are that the roastery's social calendar is coming alive with community events right here at home in Sharjah, it feels just as...

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Archers Conversations: Kemal Risyad

Kemal Risyad has come close to the UAE National Barista Championship thrice, scoring the Silver each time. In this Archers Conversation, he takes us through...

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A Recap - Q Processing Professional in Sidama Bensa, Ethiopia

Looking Back on Q Processing 2 The Professional At the tail-end of the Sidama Bensa harvest season early this February 2024, we had the chance...

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How to Pack for an Origin Trip: A Guide

Unsure what to pack on your first-ever origin trip?  Worry not, friends! Our experienced coffee-origin jet setters at Archers summed up 10 absolute origin trip...

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Archers Conversations: Sulaiman Khamis Alalawi, UAE National Cup Tasters Champion 2022

“The best way to encourage people to compete is to step out, to do your thing. Show them, and then they will come.” Sulaiman’s specialty...

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Coffee and Design: A Complete Sensory Experience

Figure 1 Air Specialty Coffee customer seating Imagine a place that takes your breath away. Sharp lines and natural contours that please the eye so...

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A Personal Connection with Finca La Julia, Colombia

By: Neil Soque | Photo Credits: Finca Julia As we source coffee and build relationships, Archers always cares about the personal connections that hold our coffee industry...

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Archers Partnership with Finca Deborah & Savage Coffees

Archers Coffee has always been in tune with our customers in the U.A.E. and the Middle East. We saw the soaring demand for the finest...

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