Quite apart from the prestige, mutual zeal for coffee excellence rallied our friends to taste the ‘24 BOP auction lots with us.

Led by our Frederick Bejo, who first primed our eager group of tasters with a backgrounder on the Best of Panama’s history and then gave a practical brief on the basics of cupping protocol and sensory discovery and appreciation, we proceeded to cup in three focused rounds — one for each BOP category.

There was no rushing through all 50 auction lots to allow everyone the fullest opportunity to appreciate each of them — 14 Varietals, 18 Geisha Washed, and 18 Geisha Natural — from aroma to the sensory experience while hot and as they cooled.

In between the cupping sessions, our tasters sat down with Fred to share their impressions on each lot, especially the ones they liked the best. In these discussions, such a diverse cohort of our community with different levels of cupping experience and exposure to Panamanian coffees got to calibrate among themselves, including the licensed Q Arabica Graders present.
Our friends also gained insight around the Best of Panama and SCA Panama’s uncompromising standards meant to sustain and strengthen the country’s coffee heritage, especially as an instrument of preserving family values and protecting the health of their forested lands for generations to come.