Coffee Cherry Tea | Cascara Tea | Arcila Villarazo | Archers Coffee

Cascara Tea, Jairo Arcila Villarazo

165.00 Sale Save

wild fruits, delicate acidity, round body, sweet texture, honey-like aftertaste

Weight 1 kilogram

Producer: Jairo Arcilla Villarazo
: Quindio Region
Farm: Finca Villarazo
Variety: Castillo
Process: Natural
Altitude: 1,650 – 2,200 masl

Husks of Natural-processed Castillo — dried in cherry on raised beds for 15 days — produced by Jairo Arcilla Villarazo in the heritage Colombian coffee-growing region of Quindio comprise this lusciously fruity, distinctly honeyed, and round-bodied cascara that is balanced by a subtle acidity.

brewing guide

  • STEEP TIME: 10~15 Hours
  1. Let it brew/steep for 10-15 hours using boiling water at the start. (Can also be steeped on top of stove fire, for about 20-30 mins. And then keep aside to let it immerse for about 2 more hours)
  2. Strain the tea and dispose tea.
  3. Weigh the strained cascara drink that was produced.
  4. Per 150mL, use 20mL of Sugar Syrup, also use 1pc of 150ml Schweppes Ginger Soda (or any other sweet soda you prefer). Increase or decrease the syrup and soda as per taste liking.

    (For example, after straining, there was 850mL of cascara liquid, divide it by 150. There's  6 servings. So mix 120ml of sugar syrup in that batch. Add only the Soda per serving cup before serving.)
  5. Mix evenly. And taste. Add flavoring syrups as per your liking.