Brazil - Fazenda IP, Red Bourbon Honey

Brazil - Fazenda IP, Red Bourbon Honey

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dark plum, apricot, raisin, caramelized brown sugar

Weight 250 grams
Choose your roast profile Filter
Choose your grinding Whole Beans

Producer: Luiz Paulo Pereira
Farm: Fazenda IP
: Carmo de Minas
Variety: Red Bourbon
Process: Honey
Altitude: 1,200 masl

Fermentation ▪▪▫▫▫
Sweetness ▪▪▪▫▫
Acidity ▪▪▫▫▫
Roast ▪▪▪

It all started in 1967, when Isidro Pereira, Luiz Paulo's father, bought the farm. At that time, Luiz was still studying his degree in agriculture and livestock production. Five years later, father and son joined forces to manage the property together.

In 1974, at the will of Luiz Paulo, an expansion plan took place at Fazenda IP. More and more coffee seedlings were being planted as the farm area increased. Decades later, he bought his first pulping machine and began studying new methods of coffee processing and specialty coffee production.

To encourage quality and care in post-harvest processes, Luiz implemented a bonus payment policy to motivate all employees involved in the process. At the same time, he offers staff some guidance and explanations on the importance of each step in the harvesting process for the final quality of coffee. “The search for innovation in the specialty coffee business must be constant and mandatory,” says Luiz.

In the spirit of continuous improvement and pushing the boundaries of post-harvest processing to evolve with the specialty coffee communities' preferences while increasing Brazil's visibility as a producing origin of diverse flavor profiles and high quality crops, Luiz Paulo has established Santuario Sul, or Southern Sanctuary — touted as the birthplace of Carmo Coffees’ New Brazil Coffees, where new describes both the non-traditional cultivation, harvesting, and post-harvest processing practices espoused by Luiz Paulo and the unprecedented flavor profiles these are aimed at creating.

The impetus for founding this new specialty coffee project was the desire not only to anticipate, but shape, market trends. Its implementation began with bringing a diversity of coffee varieties from the different producing countries, acclimatizing them to the Brazilian environment, and then conducting experiments in fermentation and drying to give rise to a new spectrum of Brazilian cup profiles.

Brazil has been cultivating Bourbon since the 1860s, from where it spread out to more areas in the Latin Americas. It is regarded as one the country’s traditional coffee varieties, which specialty coffee drinkers have come to widely associate with well-loved and familiar tasting notes leaning toward nuts and chocolate.

As part of Luiz Paulo’s ambitious endeavor to promote the next generation of New Brazil Coffees, unlike in conventional plantations, he has taken post-harvest processing learnings from Santuario Sul and implemented them for Fazenda IP Red Bourbon to express a more nuanced character, defined by distinctive fruit notes complementing its rich, caramelly character that is best suited for Filter.

brewing guide

- Ready your brewing tools ahead.
- Keep your coffee gear and containers clean.
- Decide and adjust your grind size based on:
— Your coffee’s roast date
— Your brewing method
- Be consistent with water quality and measuring weight, ratios, and time.
- Remember!
— Let your palate help you personalize the best recipe for you.
— Brew often and have fun!

More about Brewing here.


  • COFFEE GRIND SIZE: Medium coarse (700-900 microns)
  • COFFEE AGE: 7-14 days, ideally
  • COFFEE DOSE: 17 grams
  • WATER WEIGHT: 255 mL
  • TARGET BREW TIME: 02:30 - 03:00

1. Heat water to 90°C-92°C

2. Arrange your brewing set-up.

— Place your dripper on the carafe & filter paper in the dripper.

— Rinse the filter paper with hot water & remove the rinsing water from the carafe.

3. Switch on your scale.

4. Measure out 17 g of coffee & grind to Medium Fine.

5. Place the carafe and dripper with the rinsed filter paper onto the scale, & tare.

6. Transfer the ground coffee to the dripper; then, tare.

7. Start the timer!

First pour to bloom, 55ml for 30 seconds.

Second pour, 100 ml at 00:30.

Third pour, the final 100ml at 01:15

8. Target to finish the brew within 02:30 to 03:00 minutes.

9. Serve & enjoy!