Brazil - Santa Ines, Acaia Pulped Natural

Brazil - Santa Ines, Acaia Pulped Natural

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red plum, white grapes, lotus biscuit, caramel

Size 250 grams
Roast Profile Filter
Grind Size Whole Beans

Producer: Pereira Family
Location: Carmo De Minas
Variety: Acaia
Process: Pulped Natural
Altitude: 1,200 masl

Fermentation ▪▪▫▫
Sweetness ▪▪▪
Acidity ▪▪▫▫▫
Roast ▪▪▪▫▫

Santa Ines is a Pereira family farm in the Carmo Coffees' portfolio, helmed by Luiz Paulo Pereira. It is located on the ridge of Mantiqueira Mountain in the city of Carmo de Minas.

Acquired by the Sertao Group in 1979, it was thereafter replenished with new crops and developed further with the establishment of concrete terraces and the installation of post-harvest processing facilities, such as for pulping, washing, and drying.

Farm operations are run with respect for the natural environment by its residents, who are also Carmo Coffees' registered employees, supported with housing and essentials such as education, healthcare, and food.

Acaia is known as a Brazil-origin variety that descended from the Mundo Novo. Its name is reportedly derived from an indigenous Tupi-Guarani term that refers to a “big-seeded fruit," referencing the Acaia's larger seeds, compared to that of other coffee cherries.

According to the Fundação Procafé , Acaiá was developed through selective breeding within Mundo Novo progenies, with plants chosen for their seed size and uniformity, and had been initially distributed to farmers in 1977 and officially registered in the National Cultivar Registry (RNC) in 1999.

It is widely cultivated in Brazil, particularly in Minas Gerais, due to its adaptability to the different microclimates across diverse growing regions and its expediency for mass-scale harvesting. It is valued for its reliably uniform ripening, making it a practical choice for producers.

Its cup character is observed to typically express a balance of subtle fruitiness and rich sweetness.

brewing guide

- Ready your brewing tools ahead.
- Keep your coffee gear and containers clean.
- Decide and adjust your grind size based on:
— Your coffee’s roast date
— Your brewing method
- Be consistent with water quality and measuring weight, ratios, and time.
- Remember!
— Let your palate help you personalize the best recipe for you.
— Brew often and have fun!

More about Brewing here.


  • COFFEE GRIND SIZE: Medium coarse (700-900 microns)
  • COFFEE AGE: 7-14 days, ideally
  • COFFEE DOSE: 17 grams
  • WATER WEIGHT: 255 mL
  • TARGET BREW TIME: 02:30 - 03:00

1. Heat water to 90°C-92°C

2. Arrange your brewing set-up.

— Place your dripper on the carafe & filter paper in the dripper.

— Rinse the filter paper with hot water & remove the rinsing water from the carafe.

3. Switch on your scale.

4. Measure out 17 g of coffee & grind to Medium Fine.

5. Place the carafe and dripper with the rinsed filter paper onto the scale, & tare.

6. Transfer the ground coffee to the dripper; then, tare.

7. Start the timer!

First pour to bloom, 55ml for 30 seconds.

Second pour, 100 ml at 00:30.

Third pour, the final 100ml at 01:15

8. Target to finish the brew within 02:30 to 03:00 minutes.

9. Serve & enjoy!