Ecuador - Typica Mejorado Wave Natural, Finca Soledad
Ecuador - Typica Mejorado Wave Natural, Finca Soledad
Ecuador - Typica Mejorado Wave Natural, Finca Soledad
Ecuador - Typica Mejorado Wave Natural, Finca Soledad
Ecuador - Typica Mejorado Wave Natural, Finca Soledad
Ecuador - Typica Mejorado Wave Natural, Finca Soledad
Ecuador - Typica Mejorado Wave Natural, Finca Soledad
Ecuador - Typica Mejorado Wave Natural, Finca Soledad
Ecuador - Typica Mejorado Wave Natural, Finca Soledad
Ecuador - Typica Mejorado Wave Natural, Finca Soledad

Ecuador - Typica Mejorado Wave Natural, Finca Soledad

195.00 Sale Save

caramelized dates, honey, apricot, chamomile tea

Weight 200 grams
Roast Profile Filter

Producer: Pepe Jijon
Farm: Finca Soledad
Location: Intag Valley, Imbabura Province
Variety: Typica Mejorado
Process: Wave Natural
Altitude: 1,550 masl

Fermentation ▪▪▫▫▫
Sweetness ▪▪▪▪▫
Acidity ▪▪▪▫▫
Roast ▪▫▫▫

Finca Soledad is the patriotic project of Seven Summiteer and 1st generation specialty coffee producer Jose Ignacio “Pepe” Jijon.

In the early 2000s, Pepe solo cimbed the highest peak in each of the seven continents — conquering Mount Everest as the 7th summit — as a salute to mother nature and a tribute to his homeland, Ecuador. He is esteemed as the first South American to have done so.

Through that extreme, athletic feat, Pepe aimed to inspire the youth to make their country proud through worthwhile pursuits that show reverence for nature and showcase the tenacity of the human spirit. He aspires to enduringly achieve this same aim through Finca Soledad’s focus on careful cultivation and mindful processing only of rare varieties.

These days, and for the last 15 years, he’s been working toward the same aim through the famed Finca Soledad in the remote Intag Valley of the northerly Imbabura province. It’s his family’s artisanal farm where all intentions and energies focus on producing the purest possible expressions of terroir and rare coffee varieties, Typica Mejorado and Sidra, both indigenous to Ecuador, and suitably acclimatized Geisha — in ways most respectful of the environment and rewarding for the people involved in cultivating and processing.

In the world of coffee, he is most admired for his humility, vision, and tenacity, having sought the counsel of the most seasoned producers and persisting in coffee farming amid the overlapping socio-economic challenges in the country's agricultural sector.

Through Finca Soledad, with its focus on artisanal production of only rare varieties — Geisha, Sidra, and Typica Mejorado — mindfully processed into the purest possible expressions of terroir and variety, in Pepe’s own words, “irreplicable expressions of time and space.”

In receiving Sprudge Magazine’s 2023 Notable Coffee Producer Sprudgie Award, he highlighted how coffee “has been harder than climbing than Mount Everest.

Typica Mejorado produced by Finca Soledad first gained global attention in 2023, when the Taiwan National Barista Champion showcased it and finished admirably as Top 4 in the World Barista Championship. It is likewise a consistently high-ranking variety in the Ecuador Cup of Excellence.

As a variety that reportedly first emerged from the country and its proven potential for exquisite, competition-caliber cup profiles, it is widely regarded as a promising flagbearer for Ecuador’s rising stature in the upmarket specialty coffee niche.

Pepe Jijon’s philosophical approach to coffee cultivation and processing emanates from his deeply personal respect for and understanding of the silent language of nature.

These have led him to realize that the most exquisite, terroir-driven attributes of his farm’s rare varieties are best revealed by gently modulating post-harvest processing variables, such as temperature, time, and pressure, amid the existing weather conditions.

The resultant Wave Philosophy underpinning Finca Soledad’s protocols introduce the least amount of necessary strain to the living embryo within each coffee bean through subtle iterations in the fermentation and drying stages.

Admirably, Pepe continues to hone Finca Soledad’s techniques by integrating his studies as a certified Q Processing Professional, first-hand learning from Best of Panama producers, ongoing thoughtful experimentation, and feedback from his trusted network of world-class roasters.

For this Wave Natural lot, cherries at perfect 22 brix were gently plucked off the trees, carefully cleaned by hand, and manually sorted without the use of water. The ensuing fermentation phase spanned 24 hours, while drying stretched over 45 days in a dark room, with the intermittence of placing the cherries back into grain pro bags every 10 days, until the desired moisture level was reached.

brewing guide

- Ready your brewing tools ahead.
- Keep your coffee gear and containers clean.
- Decide and adjust your grind size based on:
— Your coffee’s roast date
— Your brewing method
- Be consistent with water quality and measuring weight, ratios, and time.
- Remember!
— Let your palate help you personalize the best recipe for you.
— Brew often and have fun!

More about Brewing here.


  • COFFEE GRIND SIZE: Medium fine
  • (like table salt; 21-28 clicks in Comandante MK4 and 14-18 clicks in Timemore C2)
  • COFFEE AGE: 7-14 days, ideally
  • COFFEE DOSE: 17 grams
  • WATER WEIGHT: 255 mL
  • TARGET BREW TIME: 02:30 - 03:00


1. Heat water to 90°C-93°C

2. Arrange your brewing set-up.

— Place your dripper on the carafe & filter paper in the dripper.

— Rinse the filter paper with hot water & remove the rinsing water from the carafe.

3. Switch on your scale.

4. Measure out 17 g of coffee & grind to Medium Fine.

5. Place the carafe and dripper with the rinsed filter paper onto the scale, & tare.

6. Transfer the ground coffee to the dripper; then, tare.

7. Start the timer!

First pour to bloom, 55ml for 30 seconds.

Second pour, 100 ml at 00:30.

Third pour, the final 100ml at 01:15

8. Target to finish the brew within 02:30 to 03:00 minutes.

9. Serve & enjoy!