Panama - Elixer Catuai, Savage Coffees
Panama - Elixer Catuai, Savage Coffees
Panama - Elixer Catuai, Savage Coffees
Panama - Elixer Catuai, Savage Coffees
Panama - Elixer Catuai, Savage Coffees
Panama - Elixer Catuai, Savage Coffees
Panama - Elixer Catuai, Savage Coffees
Panama - Elixer Catuai, Savage Coffees
Panama - Elixer Catuai, Savage Coffees
Panama - Elixer Catuai, Savage Coffees
Panama - Elixer Catuai, Savage Coffees
Panama - Elixer Catuai, Savage Coffees

Panama - Elixer Catuai, Savage Coffees

125.00 Sale Save

caramelized banana, dark cherry, blueberry, stewed plums

Weight 250 grams
Roast Profile Filter
Choose your grind size Whole Beans

Producer: Jamison Savage
Farm: Savage Coffees
Location: Volcan, Boquete Panama
Variety: Catuai
Process: Natural Carbonic Maceration
Altitude: 1,800 masl

Acidity ▪▪▪▪▫
Roast ▪▫

The Elixer begins by harvesting Catuai cherries that are perfectly ripe and measuring 22-24 on the BRIX meter at an altitude of 1,800 -1,850 MASL. The cherries are carefully selected for a second time before being stored inside the hermetically sealed tanks. The cherries remain in the tank for more than 100 hours where CO2 is periodically infused allowing for a precise and controlled fermentation.

During this time, while fermenting under a controlled process, the coffee grains slowly absorb the fruit's high notes and aromatic qualities. Through monitoring temperature and PH several times a day, it ensures these variables remain within their curves. After the cherries spend their extended time inside the sealed tanks, the coffees are removed and placed on a three-tiered raised African bed system designed by Jamison.

Temperatures, heat, humidity, and airflow are carefully controlled inside the dry houses and maintained within specific parameters to avoid damage to the coffee. The coffee is consistently agitated throughout the day to allow even drying. After approximately 20 days in the dry house, the coffee dried to around 11%. It is then bagged in grain-pro and stored in a bodega where temperatures are cool and stable. This reposo or seasoning process is critical to quality control. It allows the coffee's moisture content to be stabilized and equalized. Additionally, coffee absorbs more flavor from its dried fruit or parchment. The coffee is then hulled and sorted by size, density, and color.

brewing guide

- Ready your brewing tools ahead.
- Keep your coffee gear and containers clean.
- Decide and adjust your grind size based on:
— Your coffee’s roast date
— Your brewing method
- Be consistent with water quality and measuring weight, ratios, and time.
- Remember!
— Let your palate help you personalize the best recipe for you.
— Brew often and have fun!

More about Brewing here.


  • COFFEE GRIND SIZE: Medium fine
  • (like table salt; 21-28 clicks in Comandante MK4 and 14-18 clicks in Timemore C2)
  • COFFEE AGE: 7-14 days, ideally
  • COFFEE DOSE: 17 grams
  • WATER WEIGHT: 255 mL
  • TARGET BREW TIME: 02:30 - 03:00


  • DOSE: 18 to 20 grams 
  • YIELD: 32 to 36 grams 
  • TIME: 22 to 26 seconds
  • RATIO: 1 : 1.8
  • TEMPERATURE: 90°C - 93°C


  • DOSE: 18 to 20 grams 
  • YIELD: 27 to 30 grams 
  • TIME: 20 to 24 seconds
  • RATIO: 1 : 1.5
  • TEMPERATURE: 90°C - 93°C


1. Heat water to 90°C-93°C

2. Arrange your brewing set-up.

— Place your dripper on the carafe & filter paper in the dripper.

— Rinse the filter paper with hot water & remove the rinsing water from the carafe.

3. Switch on your scale.

4. Measure out 17 g of coffee & grind to Medium Fine.

5. Place the carafe and dripper with the rinsed filter paper onto the scale, & tare.

6. Transfer the ground coffee to the dripper; then, tare.

7. Start the timer!

First pour to bloom, 55ml for 30 seconds.

Second pour, 100 ml at 00:30.

Third pour, the final 100ml at 01:15

8. Target to finish the brew within 02:30 to 03:00 minutes.

9. Serve & enjoy!


- Align your brewing variables

- Adjust according to specifics of your situation, like your —

— Espresso machine settings

— Portafilter basket size

— Grinder

— Puck prep style

More here for tips to dial in on point spros.